This is the easiest way to do fleece bedding for guinea pigs, rabbits, and other small animals. Over the years I’ve done all kinds of different things for bedding in my habitats. Yes, I call them habitats. I have indoor ones, outdoor ones, I don’t call them cages. I try and keep them as open and free as possible for all of my pets because they’re part of my family. Their habitat is to keep them safe just like my house keeps me safe. It’s not there to trap them like a jail, or at least that’s what we try and avoid! Fleece bedding can be a daunting task. It…
How to Choose the Best Rabbit Cage
How to Choose the Best Rabbit Cage Bringing home a new bunny can be exciting and fun. Once you are home is when the questions start! What to feed them, which kind of cage is best, types of bedding, water bowls or bottles? The list of questions can be endless and overwhelming. We all want what is best for our rabbits and in